“Journal writing gives us insights into who we are, who we were, and who we can become”
– Sandra Marinella

Mythical Realities in Nepali Writings Mahabharata Mythic in Krishna Dharabasi’s Radha


Mani Bhadra Gautam, Ph. D, Central Department of English (Humanities and Social Sciences), Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal

This paper analyses Krishna Dharabasi’s Radha and zooms mythic realities of Krishna-Radha relationships. It is based on the Archeological study method of the Hindu scripture written on metallic plates and kept inside the iron box that was found in Braja. The plates can be unburied historical proofs of the buried memories. Written documents historicize Krishna-Radha relationships and Krishna’s Rasa Lila on the one hand and Kunti-Madri’s maternity on the other hand. Documents also historicize the love stories of Krishna on the one hand and war stories of Kauravas and Pandavas on the other hand, and so this paper is prepared in a comparative method. This paper makes a comparative study with an archaeological investigation in some mythical places of Eastern Nepal: Bhadrapur- Mechi and Keechak Badh Jhapa in connection to the mythic realities of Pandu’s wives Kunti and Madri’s experiences and myth makings. Claudio Guillen, Marshall Sahlins, and Susan Bassnett’s ideas are applied for theoretical support. The objective of this paper is to excavate on mythical realities of Radha-Krishna love, war, and renunciation. The finding of this paper is that Dharabasi’s Radha interlinks with conceptual knowledge of Ramayana and Mahabharata that can be studied from mythical and historical perspectives, too.

Keywords: Braja, Scripture, Excavate, Mythic, Archaeology, Existence


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