Message From The Head
Phone: +88-02477700873
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Department of English of Govt. B. L. College, Khulna. Enrolling for Honours and Masters Education at this department will be one of the most exciting phases of your life. It will offer you a unique opportunity to study with assurance that you will have assimilated the highest ethical standards, you will be ICT literate and you will have acquired entrepreneurial skills.
The Department of English of Govt. B. L. College, dynamic in approach and innovative in outlook, possesses an illuminated history for creating human resources and spreading them all over the world. From the very beginning of its journey till now, many luminous Chairmen of the Department worked here and proved their talents and potentialities. I feel honoured to be one of the parts of those great contributors. A congenial atmosphere of teaching and learning has already been pervaded in the department with the mutual relation and contribution of teachers, students, office staff and guardians. At present, twelve teachers, three employees and near about twelve hundred students remain present in different courses of honours and masters. After a successful completion of the courses, the students of this department appear in different competitive examinations including BCS and bring the glory of success.
The department has a library room, well equipped with necessary books and journals with computerized catalogue. There is also a seminar room where a Bengali and an English Daily are served daily for the students so that they can spend their leisure time in reading newspaper and relevant constructive discussion. Besides, the supply of pure drinking water is also provided for the students in the seminar. A wash room is also remaining for their use. A rapid and cordial communication is ever visible in the department between students and teachers through E-mail or Facebook . The E-mail ID of the department is and the Facebook ID is blcollege.englishdepartment. All the activities of the department are regularly displayed and updated through this media.
The department has already started its journey and adorned its classroom with ICT with a view to implementing the dream of Digital Bangladesh. The department has already introduced teaching aids like multimedia, projector, laptop etc. along with the traditional method of teaching methodology. In accordance with the merit and capabilities of the learners, the course teachers always try their best to entertain and instruct the students with modern form of teaching materials. The class is being attended more or less through the participatory methods. The classroom teaching atmosphere is gradually becoming less monotonous, and the presence of the students is increasing day by day. As the Head of the Department, I am much elated to observe this positive change among the students. I do hope that the positive light of ICT in education will help illuminating and strengthening the network among the teachers, students, office staff and guardians of this department.
In fine, I sincerely believe that this approach of the Department of English of Govt. B. L. College, to strive for academic excellence yet maintaining high standards in all educational activities has significantly contributed to diverse knowledge of our students. We are committed to the mandate of preparing the next generation of leaders with the strongest talents through the light of moral and pragmatic education from this department.
Head of the Department