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– Sandra Marinella

A Study of Human Relations and Discrimination in the Gha͂tu Site


Raj Kumar Gurung, PhD, Associate Professor of English, Ratna Rajyalaxmi Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal


This paper analyzes the Gha͂tu site from the human relations and discrimination perspectives. Human relations have been badly deteriorated and the individualist approach has been ameliorated in modern societies. This Gha͂tu site, which helps discourage this trend, is a good example of harmony and equality. Most Gha͂tu followers are from the lower middle working class known as the common people. In spite of their good friendship and unity, they are discriminated against by the bourgeois class. They are tagged lower class proletariats. The rich people always dominate and discriminate against the poor people as it is an ongoing process. They cannot raise their voice against the rich people because of their unspeakability. Most Gha͂tu participants are women and little girls who are doubly marginalized; by poverty and femininity. Both women and poor people are treated otherwise in societies. Marxist feminism raises the voice of females, proletariats, or the poor and concerns with how to promote the socio-economic condition of these people. Treating a man by another man as commodities is an issue for Marxist philosophy. So, this paper focuses on questions like, when will the harmonious relations between humans be maintained? Establishing a harmonious relationship between humans and equal socioeconomic status is the major focus of this study as projected in the field of literature. The study employs Marxist feminist theory and Elton Mayo’s theory of human relations respectively for the analysis of this Gha͂tu site.

Keywords: Class Conflict, Discrimination, Gha͂tu, Marxist Feminism, Human Relations


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How to Cite

MLA 9th Edition

Gurung, Raj Kumar. “A Study of Human Relations and Discrimination in the Gha͂Tu Site.” BL COLLEGE JOURNAL, vol. 4, no. 2, Dec. 2022, pp. 90-101.

 APA 7th Edition

Gurung, R. K. (2022). A Study of Human Relations and Discrimination in the Gha͂tu Site. BL COLLEGE JOURNAL4(2), 90-101.


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